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Más que Agua (More than Water), your stand at the Torremolinos Fair

The proposal was selected from over 70 that were received on Twitter and by email, and it will be the name of the Aguas de Torremolinos stand in the fairground

On 29 September, Saint Michael's Day, we announced on the stage of our new stand what its name will be: from now on, your stand at the Torremolinos Fair will be called Más que Agua (More than Water).

The proposal won the most votes from a jury comprised of three members of the Board of Directors. It was selected from an anonymous list of 71 names that we received via Twitter and email. In total, 40 people used their imagination and submitted their ideas. Most were company employees who were encouraged to participate, as they are a fundamental part of our project. No less than 41 proposals were made by our employees, or 57% of the total. These included the winning entry, sent by Salvador Quesada through Twitter.

As the jury stated, the name was selected because it clearly represents what Aguas de Torremolinos wants to be: a company that does not just offer a water service, but one that is accessible, innovative, committed to the town of Torremolinos and fundamentally concerned about the groups that are most vulnerable in social and financial terms.